Chomsky is asked about Enlightenment Now where Chomsky praises Pinker as an intelligent guy who has contributed to the field of psychology but disagrees with his current books. He then criticizes EN by referencing a book by Robert Gordon along the same lines as Pinker but giving a very different narrative of progress that, among other things, is disconnected from economic growth and a simple view of technological progress. A comparison Chomsky makes is that real improvement in quality of life was accomplished by indoor plumbing but not by advances in computer technology.
#5 Pero por mucho que haya planchabragas y feminazis, que aunque hagan mucho ruido, sinceramente creo que son cuatro gatos, eso no justifica linchar a la izquierda o irse directamente a la extrema derecha. Hay que ser gilipollas si alguien por estas chorradas se radicalizas y se vas a la extrema derecha... muy poco criterio ha de tener creo yo.
Chomsky is asked about Enlightenment Now where Chomsky praises Pinker as an intelligent guy who has contributed to the field of psychology but disagrees with his current books. He then criticizes EN by referencing a book by Robert Gordon along the same lines as Pinker but giving a very different narrative of progress that, among other things, is disconnected from economic growth and a simple view of technological progress. A comparison Chomsky makes is that real improvement in quality of life was accomplished by indoor plumbing but not by advances in computer technology.
Son gilipollas, y sí, tampoco tienen criterio... por eso se radicalizan