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#1 function
But the longest anyone has ever spent in space is about 14 months, and the only people to have ever left Earth’s magnetic field — which protects us from most cosmic radiation — are the 24 men who flew to the moon on the Apollo missions in the 1960s and ’70s. There is still a ton space scientists don’t know about the impacts of space on the human body, including the impacts of space radiation on the human body, and what can be done to mitigate it.
A ver si aprendemos algo, porque, por lo…
0    k 20
Que no cuenten conmigo como pionero...
2    k 60
#3 function
#2 Tranquilo, que la misión Artemis no es tripulada.
2    k 60
#3 Ok, lo digo mas que nada por lo de aprender a sobrevivir en el espacio.
1    k 40
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