Retail trade consists of selling merchandise in the state that it is purchased (or after minor transformations), generally to a customer base of private individuals, regardless of the quantities sold.
In addition to sales, retail trade activity may also cover delivery and installation at the customer's home (of furniture or household appliances for example).
The marketing of a good generally successively includes wholesale trade activity followed by retail trade activity, but certain goods (capital goods) are not the subject of retail trade.
Por cierto, revendernos el gas y el petróleo ruso como petroleo gringo es retail trade.
#4 Lo que yo no sé es qué pedazo de subnormal podría pensar que sancionando a China, e India, se ayuda a ganar la guerra a Ucrania. Es que no sólo las sanciones a Rusia no han ayudado a eso, sino que han contribuido a que Rusia expanda su mercado con los Brics+ y mejore su economía. #1, #2
Retail trade: definitions
Retail trade consists of selling merchandise in the state that it is purchased (or after minor transformations), generally to a customer base of private individuals, regardless of the quantities sold.
In addition to sales, retail trade activity may also cover delivery and installation at the customer's home (of furniture or household appliances for example).
The marketing of a good generally successively includes wholesale trade activity followed by retail trade activity, but certain goods (capital goods) are not the subject of retail trade.
Por cierto, revendernos el gas y el petróleo ruso como petroleo gringo es retail trade.