#3 Sin duda, y a los científicos y expertos que firman ese manifiesto, el cual la U. E. ignora porque los intereses económicos priman por encima de la salud humana y de los seres vivos, habría que quemarlos en la hoguera por herejes o brujos, una de las dos será.
#5 No hombre, no hay que quemar a nadie hoy día: simplemente hay que validarlo por el método científico. ¿En qué revista ha sido publicado este artículo? ¿Ha sido corroborado por pares? Es que no encuentro referencias para, científicamente, creerlo.
#6 1) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25060044/
Effects of microwaves (950 MHZ mobile phone) on morphometric and apoptotic changes of rabbit epididymis
"Experimental groups received simulated microwaves with the frequency of 950 MHz and the output power of 3 and 6 watts for 2 weeks, 2 h a day."
"This study showed that the microwaves with the frequency of 950 MHz can have negative impacts on morphometric and apoptotic changes of rabbit epididymis."
#6 2) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25685954/
Circadian rhythmicity of antioxidant markers in rats exposed to 1.8 GHz radiofrequency fields
"Conclusion: The overall results indicate that there may be adverse effects of RF exposure on antioxidant function, in terms of both the daily antioxidative levels, as well as the circadian rhythmicity."
Conclusion: The overall results indicate that there may be adverse effects of RF exposure on antioxidant function, in terms of both the daily antioxidative levels, as well as the circadian rhythmicity.
Marco el "may" en negrita, lo que denota que "puede" (o no) suceder.
#6 3) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24965080/
Selenium reduces mobile phone (900 MHz)-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, and apoptosis in breast cancer cells El artículo es de pago, no encuentro la conclusión.
#9 Ok, déjalo, vale, hay publicaciones. Con estudios con 18 conejos, con 5 citaciones y poca investigación más. Además, todos los estudios con situaciones "forzadas", con más potencia de RF y más continua sobre los objetos del estudio. A ver, si pasas la mano rápido por una llama no te quemas; si la dejas 1 minuto, te la quema.
#6 4) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24861496/
Effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz radiofrequency) on structure and functions of rat brain
"Rats (age 30 days, 120 ± 5 g) were exposed to 900 MHz radio waves by means of a mobile hand set for 4 hours per day for 15 days."
"Result: A significant change in behavior, i.e., more anxiety and poor learning was shown by test animals as compared to controls and sham group. A significant change in the level of antioxidant enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants, and an increase in lipid peroxidation were observed in the test rats. Histological examination showed neurodegenerative cells in hippocampal sub regions and the cerebral cortex. "
0k 16
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Effects of microwaves (950 MHZ mobile phone) on morphometric and apoptotic changes of rabbit epididymis
"Experimental groups received simulated microwaves with the frequency of 950 MHz and the output power of 3 and 6 watts for 2 weeks, 2 h a day."
"This study showed that the microwaves with the frequency of 950 MHz can have negative impacts on morphometric and apoptotic changes of rabbit epididymis."
Circadian rhythmicity of antioxidant markers in rats exposed to 1.8 GHz radiofrequency fields
"Conclusion: The overall results indicate that there may be adverse effects of RF exposure on antioxidant function, in terms of both the daily antioxidative levels, as well as the circadian rhythmicity."
Conclusion: The overall results indicate that there may be adverse effects of RF exposure on antioxidant function, in terms of both the daily antioxidative levels, as well as the circadian rhythmicity.
Marco el "may" en negrita, lo que denota que "puede" (o no) suceder.
Selenium reduces mobile phone (900 MHz)-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, and apoptosis in breast cancer cells
El artículo es de pago, no encuentro la conclusión.
Effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz radiofrequency) on structure and functions of rat brain
"Rats (age 30 days, 120 ± 5 g) were exposed to 900 MHz radio waves by means of a mobile hand set for 4 hours per day for 15 days."
"Result: A significant change in behavior, i.e., more anxiety and poor learning was shown by test animals as compared to controls and sham group. A significant change in the level of antioxidant enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants, and an increase in lipid peroxidation were observed in the test rats. Histological examination showed neurodegenerative cells in hippocampal sub regions and the cerebral cortex. "