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800Hp MG Metro 6R4 Twin-Turbo || ONBOARD Group B 9.800RPM Monster

30 visitas
votos: 6 · 1
karma: 96
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The Fastest MG Metro 6R4 in the World with around 800Hp/9.800Rpm and therefore one of the most insane Group B Monster still in action, this is Dr. Ian Rowlance´s Twin-Turbo unit, a former Rallycross machine used in period by Arne Rasmushaugen and Bengt Wiklund during the 80/90´s, being after that turned into a full on Time Attack/HillClimb Monster.

comentarios (4)
  1. inconformistadesdeel67
    o_o ¡Peazo cubiertas que lleva el bicho!
    2    k 56
  2. --1299--
    Vaya juguete, que locura :->
    2    k 56
  3. Roundpixel
    ¿Puede circular por la Gran Vía? 8-D
    2    k 56
  4. GrofTheGuard
    #3 ni de coña xD
    2    k 56
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