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  1. IterCriminis
    Van a reanudar las negociaciones sobre desarme nuclear.
    0    k 20
  2. GrofTheGuard
    #1 bueno, ya hay quien clama porque Europa tenga su propio armamento nuclear (www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/europe-needs-a-nuclear-d)
    2    k 56
  3. IterCriminis
    #2 En realidad piden que se coordinen los países que ya tienen los pepinos:

    Europe needs a credible nuclear deterrent of its own, under NATO command. Only a trilateral British, French, and German nuclear umbrella, combined with a US umbrella, all under the command and control of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) will be a credible deterrent for Russia. This would require that France and Germany find a solution for equipping their joint Future Combat Air System—a new generation of advanced fighter jets—and the German F-35 dual capable aircraft with French nuclear weapons. Germany would not have its own nuclear weapons, so this arrangement would not violate the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The NATO command structure must be tailored in such a way that Europe can fight a conflict in which neither Americans nor Canadians may wish to get involved, while taking advantage of NATO commands and systems. To this end the deputy SACEUR has to be European, and a headquarters-based Combined Joint Task Force must serve as his or her operational command.
    1    k 40
  4. GrofTheGuard
    #3 cherto, cagada mía
    2    k 56
  5. jartito
    Los Irons en su mejor momento!, Up the Irons!!
    2    k 48
  6. IterCriminis
    #4 Castigado sin armas nucleares.
    0    k 20
  7. GrofTheGuard
    #6 >:-(

    2    k 56
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