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Lucky - Angry North & Boris's Bitches

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Volviendo después de un largo intervalo con una canción de gratitud. A veces, ¿no te sientes afortunado?
Como siempre, puedes descargarte esta canción y apoyar mi trabajo aquí: angrynorthborissbitches.bandcamp.com/track/lucky (hasta que consiga algo de tracción, momento en el que me harán un agujero de memoria sin previo aviso ni explicación).
Si quieres ayudar, por favor, comparte mis canciones (se agradece).

Letra en el primer comentario.

comentarios (1)
#1 function
Ever since one day in the nineteen eightees
In some kid prison place they said would educate me
You know no needle’s ever once been placed into me
Based on a claim its contents they’d inoculate me

Can you believe just how lucky one human being could be
somehow it seems that I’ve survived to nearly half a century
And those diseases against which I would not let them protect me
They passed me by not even once one ever came to visit me

I barely ever have a sniffle, a common cold’s so rare for…
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