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Mohamed Musavi, a 34-year-old Afghan citizen, was sentenced to life in prison for murder and human trafficking. The court ruled that he would be expelled from Sweden after serving his sentence, with no possibility of return.

Two younger men, also Afghan nationals, were also convicted of human trafficking. Musawer Abdul Ahmadi, 20, received a prison sentence of five years and ten months and will be deported upon release; and Ilia Farzad, now 18 but 17 at the time of the crime, was sentenced to one year and eight months in closed youth care. Due to his age at the time of the crime, he will not be deported.

Additionally, Nazanin Hassan Ali, a 25-year-old Afghan woman, was convicted of attempted protection of criminals after being found to have purchased flights for the other defendants who managed to flee the country, only to be arrested in Italy under a European arrest warrant and extradited back to Sweden to face trial.

Ali received a conditional sentence and community service despite previous convictions for theft. She will be allowed to remain in Sweden.

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