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Sospechosos Habituales (1995)

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Sospechosos Habituales cumple lo que promete en su trepidante inicio (y no suele suceder): un ritmo trepidante, intriga, diálogos a lo cine negro, buenas interpretaciones (alguna muy buena) y, sobre todo un guion tirando a fantástico que, mira por dónde, se llevó el Oscar a Mejor Guion Original aquel año. Ganó otro, adivinen quién: Kevin Spacey lo tiene en su casa (o eso creemos).

comentarios (2)
  1. inconformistadesdeel67
    No recuerdo si la he visto, pero me suena, #0. :-D :hug:
    2    k 60
  2. function
    Peliculón. Y con dos participantes acusados de abusos sexuales, violación y pederastia: el actor Kevin Spacey y el director Bryan Singer.

    "Bryan Singer’s Accusers Speak Out"
    www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/03/bryan-singers-accusers-sp (muro de pago escamoteable mediante el uso del modo lectura el navegador)

    "The portrait of Singer that emerges is of a troubled man who surrounded himself with vulnerable teenage boys, many of them estranged from their families. Their accounts suggest that Singer didn’t act alone; he was aided by friends and associates who brought him young men. And he was abetted, in a less direct way, by an industry in which a record of producing hits confers immense power: Many of the sources we interviewed insisted, out of fear of damaging their own career, that we withhold their name, even as they expressed dismay at the behavior they’d witnessed."
    0    k 20
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