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#7 function
El video que refiere #1 es demoledor, lo que pasa es que como John Campbell se expresa de esa forma tan genuínamente inglesa (no eleva la voz, no golpea la mesa, no insulta, no reniega), pues parece que nos esté contando que ha encontrado una errata en el crucigrama que resuelve cada tarde cuando toma el té de las 5, pero suelta verdadera bombas en ese video, a saber:

It can't be any clearer: brief, brief withdrawal of syringe plunger to exclude blood aspiration may be one possible way to reduce such risk; direct quote from the authors. Both pfizer. bioentech and moderna have clearly stated that their vaccine should only be given by the intramuscular root, not the intravenous route, so why on earth are we not ensuring that the manufacturer's recommendations are obeyed and it's done according to the manufacturer's guidelines rather than giving the occasional intravenous injection by mistake?

It's just completely unacceptable current CDC and WHO guidelines no longer recommend precautionary measures during the intramuscular vaccine administration and I could add the green book in the UK doesn't recommend it, either. I mean, I'm not making this up, this is the CDC, the WHO and the green book. The official government bodies that control vaccination in the United Kingdom are saying don't do your injections properly, don't aspirate. They actually say don't aspirate. It's unbelievable. This is just beyond my ability to comprehend, I'm afraid.
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