«Durante este tiempo, la mentalidad general era que las vacunas de ARNm son medicamentos milagrosos y que sólo los teóricos irracionales de la conspiración estarían en contra de la vacuna Covid de ARNm. Este estereotipo cultural llegó definitivamente a la literatura científica. Algunos artículos de esta época reconocen los EAS, pero afirman que la conexión entre las vacunas de ARNm puede ser casual y no causal. A partir de 2024, se ha demostrado la causalidad».
"During this time, the overall mentality was that mRNA vaccines are wonder drugs and that only irrational conspiracy theorists
would be against the mRNA Covid vaccine. This cultural stereotype definitely made its way into the scientific literature. Some articles from this time acknowledge the SAEs, but claim that a connection between mRNA vaccines may be coincidental and not causal. As of 2024, causality has been proven."
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"During this time, the overall mentality was that mRNA vaccines are wonder drugs and that only irrational conspiracy theorists
would be against the mRNA Covid vaccine. This cultural stereotype definitely made its way into the scientific literature. Some articles from this time acknowledge the SAEs, but claim that a connection between mRNA vaccines may be coincidental and not causal. As of 2024, causality has been proven."