#5 El Phd es por su grado en Filosofía, lo explica en una entrevista que le hicieron hace poco, está en su canal. De profesión era enfermero. Y además ha escrito libros de fisiología, de la que impartía cursos. Yo creo que sabe cómo funciona el cuerpo humano más que muchos médicos, se ve cuando repasaba estudios científicos sobre el SARS-CoV-2.
Éste es el video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=URHTK05PndY&t=303s
and and um and he he moved us all into higher education okay so we we ended up in in a university so I did a I did a
Bachelor of Science degree a m master of science degree I did a doctor of Philosophy degree okay and then when I
3:54 got the doctor of Philosophy degree I changed my name from uh John Campbell to Dr Campbell this is before people were
known on on on the YouTube so um so I'm a Doctor by virtue of my uh PhD okay but
but I have spent all my life in uh nursing medical bioscience um the textbooks I've written
for example I've written a textbook on phys human physiology I've written a textbook on uh disease processes
pathophysiology yeah you wrote two books yeah yeah and and before if you want to
put the link you can download them free they're on PDF now they're completely free that's good yeah and um so I've
always done biomedical things and then when I became more popular I realized that the doctor title was causing some
#7 pero no es exactamente Filosofía en su faceta más común por aquí, sino que puede ser interpretada como conocimiento, un doctor con conocimiento en esa ciencia
#8 Eso es lo que yo decía, que PhD se ha traducido siempre de una forma demasiado literal. Casi todo doctorado es PhD y no tienen nada que ver con filosofía sino con la materia que anteriormente habías estudiado en el Bachelor of Science Degree, BSc.
El BSc lo conozco personalmente, normal o with High Honors, eran como las carreras de 3 y 5 años.
Me suena mejor como tú has dicho, doctorado en conocimiento. Filosofía en España tiene otras connotaciones, como refiriéndose a la filosofía clásica y resulta confuso.
Éste es el video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=URHTK05PndY&t=303s
and and um and he he moved us all into higher education okay so we we ended up in in a university so I did a I did a
Bachelor of Science degree a m master of science degree I did a doctor of Philosophy degree okay and then when I
got the doctor of Philosophy degree I changed my name from uh John Campbell to Dr Campbell this is before people were
known on on on the YouTube so um so I'm a Doctor by virtue of my uh PhD okay but
but I have spent all my life in uh nursing medical bioscience um the textbooks I've written
for example I've written a textbook on phys human physiology I've written a textbook on uh disease processes
pathophysiology yeah you wrote two books yeah yeah and and before if you want to
put the link you can download them free they're on PDF now they're completely free that's good yeah and um so I've
always done biomedical things and then when I became more popular I realized that the doctor title was causing some
El BSc lo conozco personalmente, normal o with High Honors, eran como las carreras de 3 y 5 años.
Me suena mejor como tú has dicho, doctorado en conocimiento. Filosofía en España tiene otras connotaciones, como refiriéndose a la filosofía clásica y resulta confuso.
#7 #6