They came up with a scheme to make money from promoting a vaccine idea from Dalgleish and Norwegian colleague Birger Sørensen. Sørensen ran a small Oslo pharma company, Immunor AS.
... A cache of thousands of leaked personal emails reveals how the group hoped they and their contacts could cash in by getting the British government to commit to buy millions of doses of the untested Norwegian-made “Sørensen Vaccine”
#1@function Estaría bastante alejado de lo que ese grupo representa, un lobby deseando hacer dinero vendiendo vacunas que no han pasado las correspondientes fases de prueba.
Por correo postal se los envía transcritos
... A cache of thousands of leaked personal emails reveals how the group hoped they and their contacts could cash in by getting the British government to commit to buy millions of doses of the untested Norwegian-made “Sørensen Vaccine”
#1 @function Estaría bastante alejado de lo que ese grupo representa, un lobby deseando hacer dinero vendiendo vacunas que no han pasado las correspondientes fases de prueba.