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#1 --1305--
"The Sun revealed in April the Tory was caught watching porn by two female colleagues in Parliament"

Este es el nivel de las "representantas" del pueblo femeninas a cargo del futuro del estado y sus ciudadanos: chivarse de un colega por ver porno. Porque si hubiera estado perdiendo el tiempo viendo tractores no hubieran dicho nada. Pero era porno... ¡y eso es gravísimo!

Menos mal que hay mujeres en la política, que si no no sé a dónde hubiéramos ido a parar.
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#2 Roundpixel
#1 Meapilismo british
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#3 --1305--
#2 No, feminismo British:

Around a dozen women present — including former Prime Minister Theresa May — then railed against Parliament’s culture of sexism. An insider explained yesterday: “A total can of worms was unleashed at the meeting. “Around 14 MPs got up one after the other to describe their experiences — it was shocking.
“One was in tears. They wanted the chief whip to find the man and kick him out of the party.”

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#4 function
#2 Batterypeeing.
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