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#4 Has vuelto peor que te fuiste, esto no es una noticia, es una gilipollez
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#6 me pareció posible y aun así dudaba, no tienen ni punto de comparación, salvo en tu cabeza
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#8 te estás liando
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#7 www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240418-israel-using-drones-to-broadcast-cr

El hecho ha sido documentado por Middle East Monitor, AJ y Euro-Meiterranean Human Rights Monitor. Este último además publicó un informe donde se trata esto y el uso de los drones controlados por una IA, los Lanius y los Matrice, contra civiles en varios campamentos de refugiados en Gaza---> www.mediatize.info/tema/Genocidio/documentos-prueban-israel-ha-utiliza

According to one camp resident, a young man who requested anonymity for his safety, “We were sitting at night when we heard voices of girls and women screaming: ‘Come, help me, I am injured!’ We went out to find out what was happening. No women were found, but we were directly targeted by a quadcopter drone.”

He added that “I fled inside, and two people right in front of me were seriously injured. Because of the ongoing gunfire, we were unable to treat them, so we called an ambulance, and they arrived to transport them. Many residents heard these sounds and responded to provide help.”

The report also quoted a 60-year-old woman who heard gunfire and women’s and children’s cries of distress. “This sound continued for about 10 to 15 minutes, but none of us went outside because it was really late and I knew these were recordings from planes,” she said.

These are testimonies of Palestinians who thought they heard children and women screaming for help in Gaza's Nuseirat refugee camp, only to realize that the cries were coming from an Israeli drone broadcasting distress calls to lure them out so it could shoot them.


cc #6
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#15 es noticiable.. a todos nos encantaría ver más versiones pero Israel no permite prensa occidental en la zona. Así que nos quedan los médicos, las organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria, prensa local y demás gente que está trabajando en el corazón de la catástrofe poniendo su vida en peligro en cada segundo que allí están.

En una guerra lo que se usa, son diversos métodos de matanza. Israel está usando aquellos que ni las leyes de la guerra permiten, estos que dices que no son verdad y todos los demás que dices que no son verdad.

Simplemente se ha documentado con testigos, es un hecho noticiable y es público y notorio que Israel utiliza esta tecnología con fines letales, amen de usar la mentira sistématicamente.
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#15 En una guerra todo es posible. Aunque Middle East, Al Jazeera y ¿Meiterranean? human blablabla, da un buen tufo a propaganda.
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