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OpenTomb, un Tomb Raider libre para nuestro Ubuntu

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karma: 28

Hace un año que supimos la disponibilidad de Tomb Raider y Lara Croft para Ubuntu. Esto se conseguía gracias a la plataforma Steam, una plataforma que ha hecho que muchos videojuegos lleguen a Ubuntu. Sin embargo, los desarrolladores de videojuegos están haciendo grandes logros en el campo de los videojuegos para Ubuntu. Así, recientemente, se ha anunciado la disponibilidad de un fork libre de Tomb Raider. Este videojuego se llama OpenTomb.

comentarios (1)
  1. --426--
    #1 --426--
    Web del motor gráfico: opentomb.github.io
    Repositorio de código: github.com/opentomb/OpenTomb

    OpenTomb has completely different collision approach. Engine uses special terrain generator to make every room's optimized collisional mesh from so-called "floordata", which was a significant limiting factor in originals.
    OpenTomb does not run at fixed 30 FPS speed, as any old engine did. Instead, variable FPS rate is implemented, just like in any contemporary PC game.
    OpenTomb uses common and flexible libraries, like OpenGL, OpenAL, SDL and Bullet Physics.
    Lua scripting is a key gameplay feature in OpenTomb, as all entity functionality is not hardcoded, as it was in classic engines, but moved into plain-text files, which can be modified and extended any time.
    Many abandoned and unused features from originals were enabled in OpenTomb. New animations, unused items, hidden PSX-specific structures inside level files, and so on! Also, original functionality is being drastically extended, while preserving original gameplay pipeline.
    1    k 28
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