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  1. inconformistadesdeel67
    Muro de pago.
    1    k 40
  2. --1305--
    #2 --1305--

    "Tatyana, her husband and three children escaped the horrors of Mariupol several weeks ago, but relief only began to sink in when they made it to Estonia with help from an ad hoc network of Russian volunteers.

    The network, among them antiwar activists and general volunteers, is operating largely through word of mouth and groups on the Telegram messaging app. It is helping thousands of Ukrainian refugees to get out of Russia, crossing land borders to neighbouring countries such as the Baltic states.

    In a country where security services have stepped up their targeting of independent NGOs and activists since the war against Kyiv started in February, the Russian volunteers know that assisting Ukrainians can carry risks.

    “Telephone numbers are passed from person to person,” said one activist, who asked to remain anonymous in order not to jeopardise her work. “Unfortunately, considering the conditions in which we’re working right now, it’s not exactly possible to hang up some big poster.”

    Many of the refugees they are helping did not want to end up in Russia but were transported there from areas of intense fighting in Ukraine. Kyiv has accused Moscow of forcibly deporting Ukrainians from places such as Mariupol. Russia says it is simply evacuating civilians.

    Once in Russia, Ukrainians are offered places in displacement camps across the country. Though ostensibly free to leave, many find themselves trapped, facing problems with money and paperwork after hurriedly fleeing the war and struggling to organise travel out of Russia.

    This is where the volunteer network steps in: offering information and advice, co-ordinating cars and drivers, paying for train tickets and offering overnight stays for families passing through Moscow and St Petersburg on their way west.

    Estonia is the most popular choice of exit destination as it lets Ukrainians enter even if they do not have all the correct international identity documents, volunteers said. Almost 20,000 Ukrainians have crossed into Estonia from Russia since the war began, according to local border police.

    In the case of Tatyana, an engineer who asked that her surname not be given because of safety concerns, she and her family spent a month sheltering from artillery strikes in a basement in Mariupol. Unable to find a way to evacuate by travelling west into Ukraine, the family agreed to be transported to southern Russia.

    They were taken first to a filtration camp in the Donetsk People’s Republic —…

    1    k 27
  3. inconformistadesdeel67
    # 2 De bien nacidos es ser agradecido, así que gracias.
    0    k 20
  4. --922--
    #1 hay truquis
    1    k 34
    Hay rusos buenos, ves #Macarty, es un poco broma eh.
    0    k 20
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