Otra version del mismo tema y distinto grupo. #Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk (Cover Version) (5:36) yewtu.be/watch?v=uVCf7BbR_ug
Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk (Cover Version)
This video is of Kent based function band 'Roxxon' playing Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars 'Uptown Funk' and was shot at a small music festival in the small Hamlet of Pootings in Kent.
For more information about the festival and the charities it's supports please visit www.poofest.co.uk
For more information about Roxxon and how to book them for your function, wedding or corporate event please visit www.roxxon.co.uk
The band hold no rights to the original song. This is a cover version of the song and is the band's interpretation of it. This footage and audio recording is owned by Amber Creative Ltd but is in no way used for any profitable advertising. All rights and credits are to the original artist.
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