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La F. D. A. solicita disponer de 55 años para responder a una petición de información F. O. I. A. sobre la vacuna de Pfizer [ENG]

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La agencia estadounidense responsable de la seguridad en los medicamentos y en los alimentos, la Food and Drug Administration, ha solicitado a un juez el poder responder a una petición de información (garantizada por la ley Freedom of Information Act) en 55 años.
La petición la ha realizado un grupo de científicos que desean conocer los datos que la agencia ha considerado para otorgar la licencia de uso a la vacuna de Pfizer contra la COVID-19.

El documento legal: www.sirillp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/020-Second-Joint-Status-Rep
The FDA has proposed to produce 500 pages per month which, based on its calculated number of pages, would mean it would complete its production in nearly 55 years – the year 2076. Until the entire body of documents provided by Pfizer to the FDA are made available, an appropriate analysis by the independent scientists that are members of Plaintiff is not possible. Would the FDA agree to review and license this product without all the documents? Of course not. These independent, world-renowned scientists should be provided the same forthwith.

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